My journey through PPD has been long and hard. I have lost so many memories with my family. It is a hard reality to face when you can’t remember your children as babies. Relationships have been stressed and bonding time missed.
With my most recent baby I was having a really hard time with anxiety and PPD, I was not the mother or wife I wanted to be. I couldn’t do the things I usually did. I was swallowed up in a world of fear, depression and panic attacks. Life was unbearable!
PPD affects people in so many different ways and it affected me differently with all of my pregnancies.
My midwife and therapist saw my struggle and suffering. We worked through different treatment options, that would help take the edge off, but nothing seemed to help me feel like my life was where I wanted it to be again.
I tried an antidepressant, talk therapy, herbal supplements and a few other options. All only offered temporary relief.
Then another treatment was suggested, Zulresso. To say I was hesitant would be an understatement. Fear of the cost, fear of it not working, fear of being away from my family and baby, fear of hospitalization.
Fortunately my medical team (midwife, therapist, Sage Central, and Elite Medical Center) all worked together to help me get the treatment. Every step of the way everyone was behind the scenes working “magic” for me to get the treatment I needed. I was always being given updates that would let me know how every step was going. This was needed because to me any time I wasn’t hearing anything my mind would go to the ideation that this treatment was never going to happen.
Elite medical center was a fantastic facility to receive the treatment at, which is a 60-hour infusion. They were completely supportive of me and my family from the minute we were connected. Elite made me feel like I was at home within the facility. All the staff were great!
The treatment has given me my life back. I know results may vary and it may not be the best option for everyone, but for me and my family, this was the treatment for me. I feel like myself again and am thoroughly enjoying being a wife and mother once more.
I am forever grateful for all those that helped me get me where I am today!
Thank you!