November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month The American Cancer Society has designated November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Lung Association, lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the U.S. Each year, lung cancer accounts for roughly one in four cancer deaths. In other words, more people die due to lung cancer-related causes than prostate, colon, and breast cancers combined. (AHA, 2020) Smoking is considered to be a leading cause of lung … [Read more...] about Is Vaping a Lung Cancer Risk?
Mental Health Symptoms and Resources
Looking after mental health can preserve a person’s ability to enjoy life. And if you’re experiencing persistent or severe mental health challenges, it’s time to get help. (WebMD, 2020) When should you get help? Here is a list of symptoms which can be signs of an underlying mental health condition: Thoughts of hurting yourself or othersFrequent or persistent feelings of sadness, anger, fear, worry, or anxietyFrequent emotional outbursts or mood swingsConfusion or unexplained memory … [Read more...] about Mental Health Symptoms and Resources
National Family Health History Day
Did you know that apart from Thanksgiving each year, it is National Family Health History Day? Since 2004, the U.S Surgeon General has declared Thanksgiving Day as National Family Health History Day. This move was to encourage families to discuss their health histories on a day when everyone catches up. Why Is National Family Health History Day Important? While having fun and eating too much good food is essential to Thanksgiving, also remember to spend some time educating each other about … [Read more...] about National Family Health History Day
Outbreak vs. Pandemic
The year 2020 will be known for the global pandemic. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has struck terror at a worldwide level, and things don’t seem to look good for us just yet. The current situation caused many businesses to shut and schools to go into lockdown mode. Both adults and children are dealing with a sense of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. This period has been particularly tough for us. A city like ours that is bustling all year through is now witnessing a sharp decline in gathering and … [Read more...] about Outbreak vs. Pandemic
10 Future of Wellness Trends
Along with changing weather, each new season brings with it new trends in the form of healthcare. When it comes to fitness, nutrition, and well-being, it can be especially difficult to discern which trending health topics are worth embracing and which are better left untouched. It is always good to know the direction of trends because they are helpful in focusing on what matters. Some trending areas in health in 2020 are clean eating, and wearable fitness devices. Interestingly, a recent … [Read more...] about 10 Future of Wellness Trends
The Benefits of Yoga
The quest to stay fit and healthy is one that requires commitment and dedication. Do you want to get into an exercise routine but don’t find a gym appealing? Are you looking for options to help you achieve an overall sense of well-being? Then yoga is an excellent option for you to consider. Why Choose Yoga? Yoga has been around for more than 5000 years, and it has outlived many, many workout fads. It might be almost impossible to find a workout routine that is as enduring as yoga. One … [Read more...] about The Benefits of Yoga
I Feel Exhausted All The Time, Am I Sick?
It's the middle of the day and you just can't seem to get out of first gear. Is it a lack of sleep, or could there be something else that makes you feel so lethargic? Much of the current ‘tiredness epidemic’ is blamed on our increasingly co-dependent relationship with technology and widespread use of laptops and smartphones around the clock. The reasons for being perpetually exhausted can be broadly broken down into lifestyle factors, physical causes, and psychological causes. Check out a few … [Read more...] about I Feel Exhausted All The Time, Am I Sick?
Anxiety & Depression
To say that we’re going through unprecedented times would be an understatement. These times are tough and trying. Whether it is adults or children, the pandemic has been the trigger for overwhelming emotions for all. Such situations lead to stress and anxiety, especially if you are lonely or isolated. Have you been feeling sad or hopeless? Do you feel worried or uneasy? These could be signs of depression and anxiety. The connection between anxiety and depression Depression and anxiety … [Read more...] about Anxiety & Depression
Exercise Ideas For Sedentary Workers
It’s known to everyone that being sedentary has adverse effects on your health. A desk job worker on an average sit for 40 hours a week, sometimes more. And, the new normal of working from home this year has added an extended pressure of managing kids, pets and doing day-to-day chores, leaving little to no time to exercise. It’s not the act of sitting itself is fatal but the long term consequence of no physical movement cannot be ignored. Sedentary behavior is consistently linked to more than … [Read more...] about Exercise Ideas For Sedentary Workers
Identifying a Severe Burn
Burns are skin damage that results from heat, sunburn or other radiation, chemical or electrical contact. It is one of the most common household injuries, especially among children. The term “burn” means more than the burning sensation associated with this injury. A burn may result in a minor medical condition or life-threatening emergency. Degrees of Burns Burns are categorized by degree in 3 categories: first-degree or "superficial" burns; second-degree or "partial thickness" burns; and … [Read more...] about Identifying a Severe Burn